Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Life is a vehicle without brakes

Imagine yourself waking up inside a vehicle. The vehicle is moving, you are in the driving seat and there is no way to put a break. There’s simply no option for brakes. There’s no option to control the speed either. The vehicle is going full throttle and the only thing you can do is to hold the steering and direct the vehicle as it zooms ahead on an endless path.


How different is it from Life?

You wake you one day and you are told that you have just been born. You grow up and realize that your existence is called your Life that began with your birth. But there is no way to tell when it is going to end and where it is going to end. You can’t put a brake on your life and rest for a while. You can’t even slow down if you want. Life is rushing with Time and you are compelled to keep up with it. You have been given a mind that decides. You can turn it the way you want, but still there is not much in your hand. You can choose directions, but you have no choice of the road. You can only take the road that is in front of you.

Some look at the steering at their hand and believe they have choice to turn it the way they want. They feel content knowing they have a Free Will. While others look at the road ahead and repent that they have not much option to choose from. They would want to be out of the road, but that is not possible. Their Free Will is limited to choosing from the given path. They call their limited choices as Destiny.

But the fact remains no matter what one believes in, all are inside the vehicle that doesn’t have brakes.

Now what can be done in a situation like this?

You know for sure that there is just one certainty: sooner or later the vehicle is going to crash and there is no way it can be avoided.

Obviously the fear of destruction is overwhelming. It is not easy to remain calm when you are going to crash.

Obviously some loose their cool and act rashly. Some being unable to bear the stress crash their vehicle intentionally and thus put an end to their lives before time.

But, not ever one is comfortable with the idea of suicide so they continue driving. However, deep inside, the fear is brewing constantly. On and off the fear shows its influence.

Some convince themselves that since they have their hands on the steering they can pretty much avoid the accident. Perhaps the fuel would get over, the engine would simply die out and the vehicle would come to a stop without any damage. They live a happy life for what they believe in makes their journey less stressful.

Amongst others, some think that even though, all depends on destiny, they can convince destiny to be kind towards them with their prayers or act of righteousness. Some day destiny would smile at them and bless them. Even this sort of people, are happy for what they believe in makes their journey less stressful.

Then there are people who realized there is nothing to worry about. They don’t bother about the crash that would happen in the future. They don’t even crib about their past, as to why they were put in such a situation. All they see is the present moment, where they are alive.

They turn on the AC, play their favorite Music and simply enjoy the Ride!